Resolutions for Your Home


We all make New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight, save money, etc.happy-new-year-beach
But do you set goals for your home?
Here are a few home improvement resolutions for your home in 2015.

  1. Clear out the Clutter

Every year we acquire a mountain of stuff. Cabinets, cupboards, and drawers mysteriously become packed and sometimes it becomes hard to find things. This year, resolve to go room-by-room clearing out the things you don’t use regularly. Make 3 piles; Keep, Donate, and Trash. Then, think twice about what you bring in. Is that souvenir cup really worth saving, or will it just get trashed in next year’s clean up? Make sure everything has a place. TV remotes and shoes placed neatly on a sleek tray or on a mat look much better than just thrown on the coffee table or kicked off at the front door.

  1. Make it Safe

Your home may be beautiful, but are you living with a potential health hazard or fire risk? Check smoke detectors and change the batteries as needed. You should have a smoke detector within 10 feet of every bedroom. While you’re at it, make sure you install a carbon monoxide detector on every floor of the house. I recommend checking both sides of the dryer vent annually to prevent lint build-up, which could be a fire hazard. The U.S. Fire Administration reports that dryer lint accounts for more than 15,000 building fires a year. Make sure your house can breathe. Home inspectors see it all, yet I am surprised at how many bathrooms and attics aren’t vented to the outside.

  1. Go Green (at least a little)

I’m not suggesting solar panels, composting toilets, and a hybrid car, just a little old-fashioned common sense. Start by cutting your energy usage at home; turn off lights and fans when you leave a room. Turn off your air conditioner when you leave the house. Programmable thermostats can make this real easy and they can cool things off again before you return. Install compact fluorescent bulbs and low-flow showerheads. Wait for the dishwasher or washing machine to be full before you run them. Set your home computer to revert to sleep mode when not in use.

  1. Keep it Tidy and Clean

Get in the habit and make it routine. Put everything back in its assigned place every day; dishes in the dishwasher, dirty clothes in the hamper, etc. If things start to pile up, go room-by-room putting things back in their place. Clean your entire house weekly. I suggest you do one room or one chore at a time. In this order 1) Dust, don’t forget window blinds and ceiling fans; 2) Wipe down cabinets, counters, tables, etc. w/  all-purpose cleaning spray and/or furniture polish; 3) Clean windows, mirrors, and appliances; 4) Sweep, vacuum, and mop floors; 5) Empty trash cans.

  1. Refresh / Update

By all means remodel if you wish, but interior designers will admit that you can get a fresh new look “on a shoe string,” with a little bit of rearranging and a few updates. Adding plants can make your home seem more “finished,” and they help clean the air. A small tree in the corner of a room with a planter that complements your existing color scheme will do the trick. You can also add an accent color or pull one out from your existing decor to make the whole room seem fresh and new. Simply add a new pillow or throw blanket to update your look. You may also consider adding or changing framed wall art. A rug or runner can sometimes anchor your space better as well. Finally, consider rearranging your furniture. The same stuff re-oriented can change the whole room.